Let me start off by saying if you have not experienced the State of California then I must say, I am sorry. It changed my life in many ways. I have two close friends in San Diego and I try visit them once a year. I met my special lady friend there and I re-gained my love for surfing and the culture. I always loved surfing but I moved from Florida to Cincy when I was 10, you cant surf on the might Ohio River. The city of San Diego is crisp. I use crisp only because every time I step off the plane and walk out of the terminal doors that is the one word that comes to my mind. Then Hodad's, LOL!
I ask how can you not love California? Even the cities catch phrase is 365 days of ahhhh.... its true. Yeah of course it rains there, they have the May grays, brush fires or earthquakes.. but zero snow and So Cal has amazing fish tacos! I would cash it all in to be able to live there, well not all in. I would want to take my special lady friend. I mean we met in California and four years later were still together. We both are in love with fresh farmers markets (support local growers), the culture of California, the eco system. I really enjoy accessible shots of wheat grass and of course the active life style the people of California have. What? You can wheat grass in Cincinnati? Yeah, I know. Whole Foods for $4 . That is ridiculous!
If you plan on going to San Diego in the future may I suggest, try to stay in Pacific Beach at Diamond Head Inn . The hotel is really 10 steps from the ocean and you will have great views of sun rises and sun sets! Two years ago while I was out there I would get up walk out of my room about 7:30 am, grab a skinny venti vanilla latte from Starbucks head another twenty feet to the Pacific, sit my ass on the sand and watch the sun rise over the ocean. The entire time Angels & Airwaves would be full blast on the ipod and I would watch the surfers catch a quick 30 min sesh before school, work or just the start to their day. I thought to my self, how could anyone go into work stressed out after a 30 min surfing session while the sun rose over the horizon. I know the same people would come back after work or school for a second session. I totally get it, leave all their stress from the day on the beach, plus get amazing work out. One with with the wave and the elements. Awesome.
For me, listening to Angels & Airwaves just kind of fit in with my surroundings. For you it could be anyone like Jack Johnson, Rise Against, Metric or this really great musician from San Diego, Tristan Prettyman. Music is the background to my life. Sitting on that beach every morning with my large cup of corporate coffee watching surfers, joggers and sky rats (sea gulls) while listening to a good tune is all I need in my life. Serious. Well, besides my special lady friend. She has Giada de Laurentiis cooking skills.
The first time I went out to San Diego I didn't realize what kind of effect that the state of California would have on me. I know i have talked about San Diego, but I have been to the O.C., San Fran and we took a boat to Catalina Island. All great spots. I thought San Francisco reminded me a little of Chicago but on the left coast and more "healthy". San Fran is a great spot, Berkley is amazing, the Golden Gate park. And of course the shopping but nothing puts a smile on my face and a calmness on my mind like San Diego.
I hear a lot of people say to me when I mention California, say "the traffic sucks" I could never live there. But, in the same sentence say the love Chicago and NYC. HA!!! Makes zero sense to me. Don't get me wrong, good cities and yes I do really enjoy Chicago. Although, I do not like the cold, high stress or pushiness. It is a pet peeve.
I want one day to wake up before I go into the office for the daily grind and head to the beach. Get a nice AM stretch, catch a few 4 footers, breathe in fresh air and salt water. Then start my day, after a plate egg whites of course.
If you are planning on going a vacation with a friend, loved one or even family think about So. Cal. When you're there don't forget the amazing wineries... got to love the vino. You will thank me later, trust me. I am a better person mentally and physically from my visits.
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