Usually after 8.5 hours of sitting in the cube / hen house I go for a run before I head home. I work in a high maintenance job so running and working out exactly after work is a big help with my weight (of course), mind, the inner soul and well being before I come home. I hate coming home stressed out and complaining to Nicole. It's not her fault I work with hens that bach-bach all day and customers that treat me like I am an idiot. Yeah...I know it seems as if I dislike my paying gig. That's another story for another day. Back to running. About a month ago I injured my achillies, I was pushing it too hard while it was rather cold out and I didn't stretch that well before the quick run. like I said it was chilly out and that equals bad news when you're 32. I could have got away with that one when I was 21, which I don't approve of. As you know the appropriate way of course is a solid warm up, stretch, work your A off, cool down then stretch. That is the correct form which I neglected.
Not able to run for a month is kind of like being a cocks-men at a sorority mixer and having the clap. It truly sucks! When you run and runners know what I'm sayin - its a great feeling! It's reflection time as well as time to just flat out get work done! I don't know if it was a seriously bad injury but it was bad enough for me to jog and after 10 steps feel the pain. OK, maybe it was serious.
Now, being injured one would think just go to the gym and get a light workout in until you feel better, right? No. I got pissed and took a month off. Which totally effected everything around me. It's so weird how exercise does such of a thing. For a month everything sucked besides my relationship. She kept me laughing.. sign of a good woman! But sometimes even their because I would come home in a funk from work.
last week I had enough of sally puss'n around so I got up off the couch, I quit feeling sorry for myself, I quit making excuses and drove to the park and started jogging, lightly. I took it easy in case it was a serious injury and before I knew it I was running every other day, just a mile each day, but I got out and ran. I felt strong.
Today I went for a 3 miler! I felt great. I ran 3 miles today with zero pain! I feel better and I can already tell I am not going to be sore. Although, I will ice my achillies tonight for precautionary reasons. I am stoked for this week!
"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything." ~Vincent Van Gogh